October 20, 2008
How To Halloween version 2.0
So, it's been a long time since we've done anything with the site. And after TOO MUCH thinking about what we should do (versus what we originally intended), we decided to redesign the site altogether. Not just in look and feel, but also in how we deliver Halloween how to projects.
As a result, we are pleased to announce that most of the Halloween how to articles here at this site will be FREE from now on without us forcing you to register for anything. Sometime next year, we'll add a premium member section in addition to the free Halloween how to projects. In the mean-time we're going to rely on donations, advertisements and our Cafe Press store to keep us going, so show us some support!
We'll be converting the site over to a content management system after Halloween this year, so right now the bells and whistles will be missing. We hope to have full RSS and email subscriptions, the ability to search on the site, and other cool stuff.
Take a look around, and let us know what you think.
- Grim (and Igor)